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- Before next release
I'm close to next release. 4th and last city for that next update will be completed in some 4-5 days. If wont be any special problem in game - mod - I will release next update until Sunday. But be patient ...always can happened something .
Here are first pictures from last city for next release , Götene (SWE). All new cities are in Sweden this time. And yes, of course, other countries will get new cities too.
But I must tell you, that I'm realy disappointed about support from you. players. Respect and thank you to those, who Donate to me after last update....I already have in my mind that I will close my work for Public and maybe I will turned just to people who respect my time and effort which I put in this game. I know for those too who respect my work "cross comment" , but that helps me visually.On other hand, Donation cost you 2x Coca Cola or 2x beers or some chocolate and so one and so one ...nothing special ...right, but to me helps a lot !
My conclusion is just because of last Download result in 3 weeks ,where I have 7500 downloads, what is not bad result, but just from those Downloads, 5 people Donate for my work ...what is disaster. I cant effort and work all the time on my map MOD for free, but obviously most of you want everything for free. And I cant input whole my time in game for free.
Like I said, respect to those who Donate after last release and before too. Thank you them, because just that way I can work 7-15h on my map ... otherwise I cant. Noway I cant work when 5 people helps me. Thanks them again . I will see what I can do about that, but it's possible that I will share my work just with those people who will Donate for my work.
Sorry on that, but you can look on that from many sides ... but I put a lot of time and effort in that. If I cant get minimum help out of release my map MOD cross Donation ,than I cant work full time on that...then I will unfortunately close my map for Public.
Götene (SWE)